Utilize the Best ROI Ads

Pay for RESULTS, not Promises


Most on-line marketing programs have you pay up front. They might sound reasonable but cannot GUARANTEE it will put you money in your pocket.

What is the BEST Return-on-Investment you can get from an on-line ad?
How about if you pay for the ad WHEN it makes you money!?!


We will advertise your business on the best websites & apps FOR FREE and you only pay when you make a SALE!
Introducing CPR™: Cost Per Revenue

Get the impressions and clicks for free; you only pay when the sale happens. Our CPR Network represents 100M+ consumers and 1,500+ websites and apps.
Step 1: You Create a Cash Back Offer for Your Customers. A 5-10% cash back offer s a great incentive for an initial sale AND repeat business

Step 2: We Promote Your Offer for FREE! On our partners network, which include search engines, airlines, banks, etc. We promote the offers on their website and app using our unique technology.

Step 3: Consumers Link Debit & Credit Cards. Consumers link their debit & credit cards to to YOUR OFFERS.

Step 4: Consumer Shops Makes a Purchase. The consumer simply pays you 
with their linked card. You collect a 100% of the transaction! We notify your consumer of their reward within seconds. The cash back is deposited monthly in the consumer's bank account

Step 5: Real-time Reports & Monthly Summary. You can track online impressions all the way through to in-store sales. Your real-time dashboard looks great on your computer or your mobile phone.

See an Incremental Lift in Sales!

You only pay 10% of the revenue generated and ONLY when you make sales so your cost will NEVER outpace your gain.
  • 400% ROI Guaranteed
  • No more guess work regarding your online marketing efforts
  • Acquiring new customers from +1500 network of top publishers such as Yelp, Bank of America, Virgin Airlines, and many more.
  • Retaining customers with cashback offers
  • Paying us ONLY after you get paid

Next Step:

We have an offer you can't (afford to) refuse!

We are currently waiving our SET-UP fee so get started for NO out-of-pocket

Learn More:

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